Resolution on the results of the international scientific and practical conference «Hybrid security of the “world majority”» which was held on February 17, 2024. After listening and discussing the reports of conference participants from 13 countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Finland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Syria, Yemen) we decided:

1) We condemn any manifestations of discrimination on racial, religious or ethnic grounds.

2) We condemn double standards regarding crimes against humanity.

3) We condemn military aggression against Palestine and the genocide of the Palestinian people. We demand an immediate ceasefire, the withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces and an end to the siege of Gaza. We call for the release of all Palestinian political prisoners from Israeli prisons and we call for the Israeli leadership to be held legally accountable.

4) We condemn the war crimes of the Israeli army in Lebanon.

5) We condemn the occupation of the sovereign territory of Syria and demand the immediate withdrawal of the occupying forces of Turkey and the United States from the territory of Syria and Iraq

6) We condemn the baseless missile attacks by the US and UK on the sovereign territory of Yemen.

7) We condemn the genocide of the Russian population in Ukraine and the ethnic cleansing of Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

8) We express our solidarity with the peoples of Palestine, Donbass, Syria, Yemen, Nagorno-Karabakh.

9) We condemn any interference in the internal affairs of sovereign countries by the United States and its allies. We consider illegal all unilateral sanctions and seizures of assets of sovereign states adopted in violation of international law.

10) We condemn the inflammatory policies of the United States in the countries of Eurasia and Africa and the provocation of civil and interethnic conflicts.

11) We condemn the policy of the United States and Western countries to poach qualified specialists. We also condemn the use of targeted migration flows from Asia and Africa to European countries as a tool of hybrid warfare to destroy the identity of European peoples.

12) We condemn the transformation of international sports organizations (FIFA, UEFA, WADA, IOC, etc.) into instruments of political pressure on sovereign countries. We believe that the headquarters of these organizations, which are located in the USA and Western Europe, need to be transferred to the Euro-Asian and African continents

13) We support the Joint Statement of the BRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs and International Relations adopted in Cape Town, South Africa, on June 1, 2023, as a roadmap for the rapprochement of the global majority. We also support the idea of strengthening and solidarity of the world majority (Euro-Asia, Africa, Latin America). We stand for building a fair, equal and multipolar world order

14) We call on the countries of the international majority to unite in the name of Peace, stability and security.

15) We propose to create an international Center for Friendship and Solidarity of the world majority and regional centers for providing legal support to countries fighting against the Anglo-American dictate.