GTI - After attending the Second Congress of the International Russophile Movement, Moscow, Russia, 26-27 February, 2024, the Global Thinkers Institute (GTI) team visited the Indonesian Defense Attache, Russia-Belarus, Moscow, March 1, 2024. Among them was Muhammad Ma'ruf , Ph.D, Director of GTI, Dede Nurdin Sadat, SH, MH, researcher and GTI International Environmental Law Expert.

Warmly and openly welcomed by the Defense Attache (Athan) of the Republic of Indonesia, Russia-Belarus, Marshal (first Marshal) TNI Jatmiko Adi, Land Attaché Colonel Chb Edi Surohmat Setya Tuhu Bagyo, M.Sc. Marine Attaché Colonel Marine (T) Febri Yakob Paruntu, S.T., M.Sc.

For approximately one hour of sharing and discussion about the situation in Russia, the Indonesian citizen diaspora and Russian society. Also related to several matters regarding global security, defense and geopolitical issues. The event ended with the giving of symbolic prizes in the form of Russian souvenirs.

The Indonesian Defense Attaché as the technical implementing unit for TNI Missions abroad which is assigned to the Indonesian Embassy is tasked with maintaining and improving cooperative relations in the defense sector in order to strengthen bilateral relations between accredited countries and the Republic of Indonesia.

The Indonesian Defense Attache Office functions to carry out diplomatic and protocol efforts/activities related to the interests of the Indonesian Department of Defense and the TNI. Apart from facilitating the interests of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense and the TNI, one of the duties of the Defense Attaché Office is to maintain and strengthen relations with representatives of Defense Attachés from other countries in the Russian Federation in the form of participation/activity in the organizations AFOA (Air Force Officer Association), MAMA (Military Attache in Moscow Association) and FNOA (Foreign Naval Officer Association) which is a means of communication for the defense attache community.