GTI-Global Thinkers Insititute (GTI) and Asosiasi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional-Indonesia-Association of International Relations Sciences-Indonesia (AIHII) visited and discussed with the Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, Lyudmila G Vorobieva, December, 18, 2023.

Some issues are discussed in relation to the Multiploar World discourse and its relevance to current conditions such as the Ukraine, Gaza, BRICS and Asia. History of Russian-Indonesian relations in the fields of culture and education.

Lyudmila said,“The world is now moving from a Unipolar World to a Multipolar World. Changes that are forced by creating unilateral conflict and war actually accelerate the emergence of a more multipolar world. The center of world power began to spread. World hegemony is no longer under the control of the US, NATO and the European Union. A more just, equal, prosperous and respectful global order is being formed”.

Other issues discussed were the importance of solidarity and strengthening softpower, culture defense, literature, the integrity of morality and global ethics of world citizens. Therefore, there is a need for intense discussion between world scientists. The role of the Valdai Discussion Club as a center for meetings between world scientists is very significant. It is hoped that there will be an expansion of the dissemination of discourse and the Valdai Discussion Club issues will be discussed in Indonesia and ASEAN.

Another thing about the importance of scientific meetings, especially academics on International Relations between Russia and Indonesia. International conference cooperation, short cause geopolitics and modern diplomacy.

Several guests attended in the discussion, Muhammad Ma'ruf, Ph.D, Director, Global Thinkers Institute (GTI), Fadra, Ph.D (Head of Strategic Studies and Foreign Relations, GTI) Bimo Widarto, S.Fil (Head of Digital Communication Strategy, GTI) and Franz Harlly, S.T (Head of Documentary and Social Media, GTI).

Dr. Indra Kusumawardhana (Deputy Secretary General, AIHII), Laila Indriyanti Fitria, M.Si (Secretary, Jabodetabek Regional Coordinator, AIHII), Dr. Ryantori (Deputy Chancellor, Moestopo Religion/Middle Eastern Studies Community, AIHII). Dr. Jeanne Francoise (Defense Heritage Society, President University, AIHII).