GTI- In an in-depth Real Thinkers Institute  RTI) interview with Miko Peled. pro-Palestinian activists and thinkers put forward the idea of "one solution for Palestine, Aug 5, 2023.

According to Miko Peled, until now the Palestinian people have not received 3 main rights:

In 1974 the General Assembly reaffirmed the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, national independence, sovereignty, and to return. The right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland, the right to fight, including with weapons, the right to decide to create their own state. The two-state solution is not a solution, the only solution is one state for a democratic Palestinian nation.

According to Miko, the two-state solution is a myth. If there were, since Israel was founded in 1947, of course the UN and the USA would have created a Palestinian state. Israel, USA, NATO and the European Union have become Israel as a supporting country for western interests. The system implemented is apartheid like the Nazis and the former South African regime.

Miko told RTI that the only way to establish a Palestinian state is to abolish the apartheid system implemented by Israel. This can be done only if the entire world civil society supports it. My family and I were part of the founding of the state of Israel, my father and grandfather helped establish the state of Israel. Meanwhile, after knowing the real problem, I tried to realize a Palestinian state by destroying the Israeli apartheid system. The separation wall, racism, illegal settlements are proof that Israel is practicing an apartheid system.

Peled’s maternal grandfather, Avraham Katznelson was a signer on the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His father, Matti Peled was a general in the Israeli army and pioneered an Israeli-Palestinian dialogue in the 1970’s which led him to meeting Yasser Arafat in an effort to convene him to recognize the State of Israel and adopt the Two State Solution. In 1997, Miko’s sister lost her daughter, Smadar, in a suicide bombing in Jerusalem. This tragedy is what finally drove Miko to embark on his journey to discover Palestine. Life transformation, titled “The General’s Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine.” This autobiographical work taking the reader through the life of Peled’s family since his grandparents immigrated to Palestine in the early 20th century, describing their work and their life.