GTI- In an interview with Mico Pelet with Real Tinkers Institute (RTI), Mico told about the hypocrisy and paradoxical of the US and Israel. Both implemented democracy and were pro-colonization, Aug 5, 2023.

According to Miko Peled, both Israel and the USA are not democratic countries because they support the apartheid system in Israel. Both countries pretend to be democracies to cover up their crimes around the world. One of the most effective tools to help Palestine become an independent state is to build solidarity and awareness of all global civil society movement for Palestine.

If the Israeli apartheid system can be destroyed as in Africa, then Palestine can automatically become an independent state. Miko doesn't believe big countries like the USA and Russia will really help make Palestine establish its own state.

Miko Peled is an author, writer, speaker, and human rights activist living in the United States. He is considered by many to be one of the clearest voices calling for justice in Palestine, support of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and the creation of a single democracy with equal rights in all of historic Palestine. Educated in Jerusalem, Japan and the United States, Peled is also an accomplished professional martial artist. For 23 years, Peled ran a martial arts school that was dedicated to teaching leadership skills and non-violent conflict resolution through martial arts.

Miko’s father, General Matti Peled was a respected general and hawk who clearly stated that contrary to Israeli claims, the 1967 war was one of choice, and not the result of an existential threat to the state of Israel. He then dedicated his life to promoting the Two State Solution, which he believed would allow Israel to maintains the fruits of the 1948 war and ethnic cleansing of Palestine – which meant control over the vast majority of the country, and allow the Palestinians to establish a small state in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. This is a solution which he believed would lead to an Israeli-Palestinian peace.