The Special Branch of the N.S.W Police would never do anything that was unlawfull or that would curtail our human and legal rights, From the framing of the Croation six for the alleged attempt to blow up Sydney's water supply, to the frame up of the Ananda Marga, Australia,s various Secret Police Organisations have an ignomious history of framing and lying about us. Read this book and be afraid.Tony Abbott and his Liberal mates say that ASIO and by implication The Special Branch of the N.S.W Police would never do anything that was unlawfull or that would curtail our human and legal rights, From the framing of the Croation six for the alleged attempt to blow up Sydney's water supply, to the frame up of the Ananda Marga, Australia,s various Secret Police Organisations have an ignomious history of framing and lying about us

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