Observer, World Intelligence and Security Researcher- Global Thinkers Institute (GTI). Metallurgical engineer-University of Indonesia-Jakarta.

"If we analyze the Al-Aqsa Storm Operation, in fact not only has it broken Israel's military and intelligent deterrence capabilities, more than that the success of this operation also questions the deterrence power of the entire security and military architecture of all European countries, including America. Since Israel's security and military architecture is recognized as the best product of Western military doctrine, it is no exaggeration, when Nikkei Heley emotionally said; "The threat to Israel is a direct threat to America". "This statement can be read as the US military and security architecture as a pillar of Western hegemony is also under threat."

The Minister of War of the Zionist Regime, Yoav Gallant, stated: "There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly." This open statement was released by almost all local Israeli and world media. A statement that is clear enough can be used as legal evidence in an international criminal court. The Zionist regime's total war strategy and mission can be seen in the indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets in Gaza. Yoav Gallant is full of confidence, attacking the Palestinian people who he considers half-human.

A strange belief that is famous in the Talmud and has become a Zionist belief, where humans other than those of Jewish ethnicity are called Goim, half animals or lower than animals. European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell also acknowledged that Israel had violated international law by implementing a total blockade of Gaza.

Benjamin Netanyahu supports the strategy of Yoav Gallant, his colleague from the Likud party and promises to dismember Hamas. He proudly posted a video of the bombing mission seen from above on densely populated Gaza settlements and encouraged "continue with all forces". They are equally proud of carrying out the massacre in Gaza. 75 years ago, Palestinians were expelled from their homes, experienced humiliation, persecution and were forced to live in the world's largest open prison and the Zionists systematically carried out ethnic cleansing.

The massacre in Gaza carried out by the Israeli Air Force cannot be considered a success and military progress in the war, even though the damage to civil infrastructure in Gaza due to Israeli bombardment for 6 days was very sad. According to a Zionist military spokesman, 6,000 bombs weighing 4,000 tons have been dropped on Gaza. Accumulatively, the damage that occurred exceeded the total damage caused by the wars of 2008, 2012, 2014, 2018 and 2021. If the indiscriminate bombardment of civilians in Gaza is considered an Israeli military success, then that is the success achieved by Israel, namely the massacre of civilians.

On the other hand, the missile capabilities of the Palestine Resistance Forces have not been reduced at all, the military infrastructure has not been damaged, even Gaza fighters have posted videos of new missiles that have not been used. Gallant's touting for a land invasion of Gaza, until now there is no sign that it will start soon, this opportunity has actually been eagerly awaited by Gaza fighters. Instead of a land invasion, the Zionist army withdrew from Bet Amr, even in Saderat, an area 4-7 km from Gaza, the Zionist army withdrew and the Israeli Cabinet today announced that it would carry out a full evacuation. Around 90% of the victims on the Israeli side were soldiers, police and armed civil defense while the victims on the Palestinian side were generally civilians because there were no Palestinian fighters in Gaza City, except in military tunnels outside Gaza City or deep in the Israeli occupied territory. From here we can easily judge who won militarily.

Israel has deployed all its reserve troops, 350,000 personnel, but the security recovery target has not been achieved at all. The Israeli forces were divided mainly into three fronts; The South is in preparation for the invasion of Gaza, the North front is to anticipate war and infiltration from Hezbollah and Palestinian resistance groups based in South Lebanon, and the Golan Heights front is to anticipate war with Syria.

Israeli troops were also deployed to all districts and settlements in Southern Israel to overcome the infiltration of Palestinian fighters. The Israeli military was also deployed in the West Bank to overcome the resistance of Palestinian fighters in Nabulus, Jenin, Hebron and Jerusalem, who carried out guerrilla tactics that resulted in General Leon Bar being killed in the West Bank. Palestinian fighters could make the entire occupied territory unsafe for the Israeli military and police.

The ongoing bombardment of Israeli bombers on Gaza civilians is just a dead end action and a form of Israeli military depression which they carry out as compensation for their military defeat. The Israeli army has never in its history faced war tactics like this, facing a combination of missile attacks and armed contact with Palestinian troops in Jewish settlements deep in the occupied territories which frustrated the Zionist military. There is no longer a blitzkrieg strategy or a quick and victorious war for Israel, the Palestine Resistance Forces are inviting a long and tiring war that Israel really hates.

Scott Ritter, a former CIA analyst, said in a recent George Galloway podcast: "In the current Netanyahu era, the Israeli military has simulated a total war facing three fronts; South-Gaza fighters, north-Hezbollah and the Syrian front in the Golan heights, "add Palestinian resistance in the West Bank and the result is that the Israeli military is completely defeated. Netanyahu is very aware of that." That is why there is no precedent when Blinken said that with all the power it has, the USA will prevent Hezbollah from getting involved in the current war, Biden openly warned Iran and France threatened Syria not to get involved. However, limited clashes have begun to emerge in Northern Israel and there have been casualties on the Israeli and Hezbollah sides. Israel has launched Patriot air defense missiles, although at unknown objects. On the Goland Plateau mortar attacks also occurred on a small scale. The plane carrying the Iranian Foreign Minister who was on a regional tour could not land at Damascus airport due to an Israeli bomb, and was forced to turn back to Baghdad and then on to Beyrut, Israel accused the plane of being full of IRGC military personnel. Tensions continue to rise.

If we analyze the Al-Aqsa Storm Operation, in fact not only has it broken Israel's military and intelligent deterrence capabilities, more than that the success of this operation also questions the deterrence power of the entire security and military architecture of all European countries, including America. Since Israel's security and military architecture is recognized as the best product of Western military doctrine, it is no exaggeration, when Nikkei Heley emotionally said; "The threat to Israel is a direct threat to America". This statement can be read as the US military and security architecture as a pillar of Western hegemony is also under threat.

Israel's defeat to date can answer why Saudi Arabia quickly made a 180 degree U-turn by not continuing normalization talks with Israel. The reason is easy to understand, the military and intelligence as the main pillars of Israel have been destroyed and Saudi does not want to make an alliance with a weak country and its future is questionable. Even Saudi and Arab countries will definitely correct Israeli, USA and UK security contractors working in Arab countries. Finally, for the first time, MBS, Muhammad Bin Salman, called Iranian President Ibrahim Raesi to discuss joint support for Palestine. Without many observers realizing it, the al-Quds Hurricane Operation, which was considered small by Palestinian fighters, could create a sensation and could damage the geopolitical order of West Asia. To cover up their embarrassment, observers and security analysts who were co-opted by their thoughts about the superiority of Israel and America created a theory of deliberate defeat by Israel in the face of the al-Aqsa storm operation which is certainly very absurd.

Israel certainly cannot improve the situation on its own. The USA and NATO are currently working hard to try to restore Israel's military and intelligence deterrent power, but Ayatullah Sayed Ali Khamenei confidently said: "The damage to Israel's military and intelligence is now irreversible." This means that in the future the main pillar of the Zionist regime will no longer be able to support the continued existence of the Jewish state in Palestine. I don't think it will be long before Israel will only exist in history books.

This is very logical when looking at the trend of strengthening Axis of Resistance forces (Iran, Lebanese Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PFLP, Ansarullah Yemen, Syria, PMU Iraq) versus Israel's weakening military and intelligence forces. There is a kind of monotheistic agreement between the pillars of the Axis of Resistance, they at all costs will not possibly leave Palestine alone against Zionist Israel.