GTI- Real Thinkers Institute (RTI) conducted an in-depth interview with Marco, Ph.D regarding the roots of the Ukraine vs Russia war, Jakarta, Sep 28, 2023. Marco conducted an analysis from three perspectives; History, Security and Defense.

The war between Ukraine and Russia is not purely a matter of Ukrainian sovereignty or freedom to choose the alliance between the European Union and NATO. The genealogy of the Ukrainian war is a remnant of the cold war between the USSR and NATO. After the USSR COLLAPSE, NATO was confident of continuing to expand to the east.

The USA didn't think the USSR would make it big again. Until 2007, when Putin became ruler of Russia, NATO did not hear Putin's speeches on Munich Security Conference about security and his efforts to get NATO to cooperate with Russia. Russia does not agree with Georgia and Ukraine becoming members of NATO. If Ukraine becomes a member of NATO, NATO will easily carry out land military operations into Russian territory.

Dr. Marco believes that Ukrainian society is conditioned by the influence of the two western and eastern blocs, including the rapid development of militia groups with a NAZI ideology. So the Ukrainian election does not provide a real sense of justice until the security issue is resolved. Dr. Marco Manuel Marsili Wick.

Dr. Marco Manuel Marsili Wick. PhD and European PhD (double degree) in History, Studies of Security and Defense, ISCTE–Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon (Portugal); European PhD title jointly with Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano (Niccolò Cusano University), Rome, Italy. Member of the Research Task Group (RTG) on Technology Enablers and Force Multipliers for CogWar: From Monitoring and Assessment to AI-based Assistance and Automation systems (Ref. HFM-373-RTG), NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO).